《Donna Diana Overture》(唐娜·戴安娜序曲)演奏:德累斯顿国立管弦乐团
(Emil Nikolaus von Reznicek)
德累斯顿国家管弦乐团(Dresden Staatskapelle),位于德国德累斯顿市,成立于1548年,由著名的音乐家海因里希·舍斯特和约翰·格奥尔格一世(选帝侯莫里茨·冯·萨克森亲王)创建,其历史可以追溯到萨克森选侯时期,是世界上最古老的交响乐团之一,也是世界级的交响乐团。自创立以来,乐团与许多著名的作曲家、指挥家和独奏家合作,包括:理查德·瓦格纳、卡尔·玛利亚·冯·韦伯、查德·施特劳斯、卡尔·伯姆、克劳迪奥·阿巴多、古斯塔夫·杜达梅尔等。乐团于2002年至2004年由伯纳德·海丁克(Bernard Haitink)指挥,2007年至2010年由法比奥·路易西(Fabio Luisi)指挥。自2012/2013乐季起担任首席指挥的是克里斯蒂安·蒂勒曼。此外,乐团还积极参与歌剧、交响乐和室内乐等领域的音乐演出,其演出活动遍布全球,有着丰富的历史和卓越的成就。乐团在音乐教育方面也有着重要的贡献。他们经常举办各种音乐教育和普及活动,像音乐工作坊、音乐会解说等,目的在于激发公众对古典音乐的兴趣和热情。
乐团是德累斯顿国家歌剧院(Semperoper Dresden)的驻院乐团,演出曲目涵盖了从巴洛克时期到当代作品的广泛范围,以其卓越的音乐表现力和广泛的演出活动而闻名于世。作为德国音乐界的重要组成部分,乐团在音乐史上有着重要的地位。
(Christian Thielemann)图片
Dresden Staatskapelle(extension)Richard Strauss and the Staatskapelle were closely linked for more than sixty years. Nine of the composer’s operas were premiered in Dresden, including 《Salome》, 《Elektra》 and 《Der Rosenkavalier》, while Strauss’s 《Alpine Symphony》was dedicated to the orchestra. Countless other famous composers have written works either dedicated to the orchestra or first performed in Dresden. In 2007 the Staatskapelle reaffirmed this tradition by introducing the annual position of Composer-in-Residence. Following on from Hans Werner Henze, Sofia Gubaidulina, Wolfgang Rihm, György Kurtág, Arvo Pärt, Peter Eötvös, Aribert Reimann, posthumously Giuseppe Sinopoli, Matthias Pintscher and Olga Neuwirth, Georg Friedrich Haas holds this title for the 2023/2024 season.
The Staatskapelle’s home is the Semperoper, where it performs around 250 operas and ballets each season. In addition, the ensemble presents another 50 symphonic and chamber concerts in the opera house, as well as playing at various musical events in Dresden. As one of the most celebrated and popular symphony orchestras, the Staatskapelle regularly travels abroad to the world’s leading classical venues. For ten years, from 2013 to 2022, the Staatskapelle has been the resident orchestra of the Salzburg Easter Festival.
As partner orchestra of the Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra, the Staatskapelle supports the nurturing of young talent. Also active at the local level, the Kapelle is a partner of Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen in the double city of Görlitz- Zgorzelec and, in 2010, helped found the International Shostakovich Festival in Gohrisch (Saxon Switzerland), which is the first annual event dedicated to the music and life of the composer Dmitri Shostakovich. At a ceremony in Brussels in 2007 the Staatskapelle became the first–and so far only–orchestra to be awarded the “European Prize for the Preservation of the World’s Musical Heritage”. During the 2022 Salzburg Easter Festival, the Staatskapelle was awarded the Herbert-von-Karajan-Prize. 本站仅提供存储服务,所有内容均由用户发布,如发现有害或侵权内容,请点击举报。- 上一篇:不锈钢空气过滤器
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